"Single Cell
© Olivier Cabaud
Adamik J, Munson P, Hartmann FJ, Combes AJ, Pierre P, Krummel MF, Bendall SC, Argüello RJ*, Butterfield LH*. Distinct Metabolic States Guide Maturation of Inflammatory and Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells. Nature Communications. 2022.* co-last authors. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-32849-1 (Impact factor: 14.9).
Hong HS, Mbah NE, Shan M, Loesel K, Lin L, Sajjakulnukit P, Correa LO, Andren A, Lin J, Hayashi A, Magnuson B, Li Z, Xie Y, Zhang L, Lei YL, Opipari AW, Argüello RJ, Kryczek I, Kamada N, Zou W, Franchi L, Costas A. Lyssiotis. OXPHOS Promotes Apoptotic Resistance and Persistence in TH17 cells. Science Immunology. 2022. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.abm8182 (Impact factor: 17.7)
Swatler J, Lo Tartaro D, Borella R, Brewinska-Olchowik M, Paolini AM, Neroni A, Turos-Korgul L, Wiech M, Kozlowska E, Cysewski D, Grabowska-Pyrewicz W, Wodjda U, Basak G, Argüello RJ, Cossarizza A, De Biasi S, Piwocka K. Dysfunctional subsets of CD39+ T cells, distinct from PD-1+, driven by leukemic extracellular vesicles in myeloid leukemias. Haematologica. Nov 17, 2022 https://doi.org/10.3324/haematol.2022.281713 (Impact factor: 11.04)
Michaudel C, Danne C, Agus A, Magniez A, Aucouturier A, Spatz M, Lefevre A, Kirchgesner J, Rolhion N, Wang Y, Lavelle A, Galbert C, Da-Costa G, Poirier M, Lapiere A, Planchais J, Nádvorník P, Illes P, Oeuvray C, Michel ML, Benech N, Bourrier A, Nion-Larmurier A, Landman C, Richard ML, Emond P, Seksik P, Beaugerie L, Argüello RJ, Moulin D, Mani S, Dvorák Z, Bermúdez-Humarán LG, Langella P, Sokol H. Rewiring the altered tryptophan metabolism as a novel therapeutic strategy in inflammatory bowel diseases. Gut. 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327337 (Impact factor : 31.8)
Dolfi B, Gallerand A, MM Firulyova, Y Xu, J Merlin, A Dumont, A Castiglione, N Vaillant, S Quemener, H Gerke, MI. Stunault, PR Schrank, SH Kim, A Zhu, J Ding, J Gilleron, V Magnone, P Barbry, D Dombrowicz, C Duranton, A Wakkach, C Blin-Wakkach, B Becher, S Pagnotta, Argüello RJ, P Rantakari, S Chakarov, F Ginhoux, K Zaitsev, KW Kim, LY Charvet, RR Ginamard, JW Williams, S Ivanov. Unravelling the sex-specific diversity and functions of adrenal gland macrophages. Cell Reports. June 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110949 (Impact factor: 9.4).
Corral D, Charton A, Krauss MZ, Blanquart E, Levillain F, Lefrançais E, Sneperger T, Girard J-P, Eberl G, Poquet Y, Guéry JC, Argüello RJ, Belkaid Y, Hepworth MR, Neyrolles O and Hudrisier D. ILC precursors differentiate into metabolically distinct ILC1-like cells during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Cell Reports. 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110715 (Impact factor: 9.4).
Verberk SGS, de Goede KE, Gorki FS, van Dierendonck X, Argüello RJ, Van den Bossche J. A toolbox to profile immunometabolism tested in macrophages. Cell reports methods. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crmeth.2022.100192 (Impact factor: 10.6)
Bosc C, Saland E, Bousard A, Gadaud N, Sabatier M, Cognet G, Farge T, Boet E, Gotanègre M, Aroua N, Mouchel PL, Polley N, Larrue C, Kaphan E, Argüello RJ, Mazzotti C, Avet-Loiseau, Vergez F, Tamburini J, Fournié JJ, Tion IS, Wei AH, Kaoma T, Marine JC, Récher C, Stuani L, Joffre C, and Sarry JE. Mitochondrial inhibitors circumvent adaptive resistance to venetoclax and cytarabine combination therapy in acute myeloid leukemia. Nature Cancer. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43018-021-00264-y (Impact factor: 24)
Lopes N, McIntyre C, Martin S, Raverdeau M, Sumaria N, Kohlgruber AC, Agudelo L, Dyck L, Kane H, Douglas A, Cunningham S, Prendeville S, Loftus R, Carmody C, Pierre P, Kellis M, Brenner M, Argüello RJ, Silva-Santos B*, Pennington DJ* and Lynch L*. Distinct metabolic programmes control the effector fate of γδ T cell subsets and their activities in the tumour microenvironment. Nature Immunology. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41590-020-00848-3 (Impact factor: 27)
Argüello RJ@*, Combes AJ, Char R, Bousiquot E, Gigan JP, Camosseto V, Samad B, Tsui J, Yan P, Boissonneau S, Figarella-Branger D.F, Tabouret E, Gatti E, Krummel MF, Pierre P. SCENITH: A flow cytometry based method for functional profiling energy metabolism with single cell resolution. Cell Metabolism. December 2020. DOI:10.1016/j.cmet.2020.11.007 *lead author. (Impact factor: 31.3).
>100 citations; >600 laboratories testing the SCENITH technology.